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The gallery below features a sample of our collection of antiques and collectibles. Click on the photo to see the entire cute caption. We wanted to give you a taste of what we offer. We'd love to see you at our next show.

Born Again

Born Again

Vintage Hardware Store



Through all our wonderful Antiques

This Little Light

This Little Light

Of Mine, I'm going to let it shine.

Doctor Hook

Doctor Hook

Missing Anything?

Salty Dog

Salty Dog

That is one big

That is one big

Butter Churn

Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited

what direction are you going.

Wait or Weight

Wait or Weight

Time to make soup.

Time to make soup.

There Isn't

There Isn't

Anything Doug Won't Try To Sell

Cool Fan

Cool Fan

Has Anyone Seen

Has Anyone Seen

My Tractors????

Old Lightning Rods

Old Lightning Rods

Make Beautiful Yard Art

Cash or Charge ????

Cash or Charge ????

We have to stop selling

We have to stop selling

all the good pieces.

Raggedy Ann and Andy's

Raggedy Ann and Andy's

Hot Tub

Another Retirement

Another Retirement


Free Candy

Free Candy

We encourage eating Smarties while shopping with us. They will help you make SMART WISE decisions

Wood Carvings

Wood Carvings

We Love Jesus





It is our Prayer that Jesus would be in every home and every heart.

Mad Hatters

Mad Hatters

Always trying on vintage hats

Happy, Happy, Happy

Happy, Happy, Happy

Happy Dealers make Happy Customers

Who's Next

Who's Next

Our oldest Granddaughter has been helping out at shows for the last 2 years. She gives out some pretty great deals

Now what is he up too?

Now what is he up too?

He's thinking up more projects for Grandpa

Please Don't Sell My Horse

Please Don't Sell My Horse

Our grand daughter testing out the merchandise



Our Faith is our business. So we make sure to have all kinds of old religious crucifix, crosses, holy water fonts and pictures

Last Supper

Last Supper

Very detailed wood carving 34" long x 9" high x 2" thick

Glory to God

Glory to God

Hand Carved Nativity from 1964

Mother Mary

Mother Mary

Thank goodness this heavy concrete piece sold the very first show

Stain Glass

Stain Glass

Vases, Windows and Sun Catchers

The first IPhone

The first IPhone

Need to phone a friend

Barrel of Fun

Barrel of Fun

We are always looking for barrels to sell in the business

Bushel and a Peck

Bushel and a Peck

and a hug around the neck

Bee Mine

Bee Mine

Bee Smoker

This Little Piggy

This Little Piggy

Went to Born Again Antiques



A Pig Oiler

Well Pulley

Well Pulley

We sell a lot of very nice pulleys

Think Outside the box

Think Outside the box

This Cream Separator would make a nice lamp

No Power Switch

No Power Switch

Hand grinding sharpening stone

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

Reflecting isn't it

Dinosaur Eggs

Dinosaur Eggs

nice home Décor items

Give it a spin

Give it a spin

Unique Lazy Susan Table



You don't see tables like this every day

Just add a rope

Just add a rope

We look for the unusual. Notice the wood block in this pulley



No Better Butter Molds

Steady Girl

Steady Girl

This is a antique horse shoeing stand

Little Anvil Humor

Little Anvil Humor

Wild-E-Coyote is always in need of an anvil to drop on the Road Runner

Classic Harley Davidson

Classic Harley Davidson

Beautiful all wood motorcycle big enough for a child to ride.

Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

This Chest is the Treasure

Collectors Wanted

Collectors Wanted

Very nice lightning rod globe

Lighting the way

Lighting the way

You can usually find a few Lanterns hanging around

Glass Oh No,

Glass Oh No,

We try to stay away from glass items, Doug seems to break more than he sells

Nothing was easy back then.

Nothing was easy back then.

Imagine having to spin yarn to make your clothes

Another Pinterest Idea

Another Pinterest Idea

Add a piece of glass to the top of this butter churn to make a beautiful table

Candy Scale

Candy Scale

We just had to have it in the business

Another Beautiful Scale

Another Beautiful Scale

New items coming in all the time

Nothing weighs us down

Nothing weighs us down

but we have to stop buying all these heavy antiques

Rivet Tool

Rivet Tool

very riveting isn't it

Great Selection

Great Selection

You too can use ironing boards to display items. Be it Loved Ones Photos, Plants or whatever your heart desires.

Very Old Cradle

Very Old Cradle

The babies that were rocked in this old cradle are probably not around any more or at least we don't think they are babies any more.

Sugar Fix

Sugar Fix

Even the Couch Potato has collected his Smarties

Barn Wood Frames

Barn Wood Frames

We love making frames out of barn wood. This is one of our favorites, with a copper rendition of "The Last Supper."

Sit a Spell

Sit a Spell

It's a good thing these bed pans can't talk.

Bird House Splendor

Bird House Splendor

Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel Corporate office needs to hook up with Born Again Antiques for their decorating needs.

Lets Make Some Noise

Lets Make Some Noise

Get in the Christmas spirit any time of the year, with one of our sleigh bells displayed beautifully in a stirrup.

Your Very Own Pinterest Idea

Your Very Own Pinterest Idea

These Cases of Old Wine Bottles Could easily be turned into End Tables

Conversation Piece

Conversation Piece

This old tobacco shredder is no doubt a thing of the past.

Off to the Races

Off to the Races

Hurry over to our next show for a great bargain on wonderful items.

Another Ducks Dynasty???

Another Ducks Dynasty???

Ducks make great collectible items.

Faith Based Business

Faith Based Business

Cat Collectibles Items

Cat Collectibles Items

Working Hands

Working Hands

Imagine the weathered hands wrapped around the handle of this tool.

The Three Bears Rockers

The Three Bears Rockers

Papa, Mama and Baby sizes

Bird Collectibles Items

Bird Collectibles Items

Music Boxes

Music Boxes

We have several music boxes you may enjoy more than Doug and Vicki belting out a tune.

Exquisite Colors

Exquisite Colors

Fun Blue Carnival Glass Piece

Child Labor Laws

Child Labor Laws

No such thing as child labor laws when you have family helping out.

Around The World

Around The World

We are willing to go to any lengths for our customers.

Beautiful Kaleidoscope

Beautiful Kaleidoscope

Just like the gems in this kaleidoscope, Doug has a vividly colorful personality.

Born Again Antiques

Born Again Antiques

Our love for a good game of Scrabble or Words With Friends inspired our booth display.

Word Search

Word Search

This is Doug's primitive game of Word Search.



Sad Face. I've been hanging out at all the shows, yet no one wants to buy a couch potato like me.

Fresh Fruit Anyone

Fresh Fruit Anyone

This fruit looks so real, but be careful of that first bite. The basket is wood and the fruit is ceramic.

Let there be light

Let there be light

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28

Name That Tool

Name That Tool

We get a lot of unique tools that Doug just loves to talk about.

Ready to start collecting

Ready to start collecting

Let us know what you are looking for and we will help you add to your collection.



"This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it." I really am trying to be HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY

Barn Wood Beauty

Barn Wood Beauty

Anything made from barn wood has character.

Our Shows

Our Shows

Every month we appear at a local show in the Stateline area of Wisconsin and Illinois.

Retirement Rocker

Retirement Rocker

Doug has been working on his retirement rocker but Vicki keeps selling them. You would think Doug would get the message.

Rocking Away the Blues

Rocking Away the Blues

We constantly are getting in beautiful, antique rocking chairs. After we repair them, we put them out for you to try. Stop by our next show and relax for a few!

Bottles Up!

Bottles Up!

We're busy working on a cool piece of furniture with these bottles. That is unless you buy them all first!

Childhood Memories

Childhood Memories

We regularly hear "I used to have that when I was a kid."



This would make a great display piece or a great game for the grandkids to annoy you with when they put dents in your walls. *Born Again & Antiques is not responsible for fixing your walls :)

Hit me baby one more time!

Hit me baby one more time!

We love this croquet set so much, we may just set it up some show and have a competition!

Paper or Plastic?

Paper or Plastic?

We love coming across little Tom Thumb cash registers. Did you have one as a kid?

Running Over

Running Over

We often get a hold of old pumps. Pair it with a barrel and make a great water feature for your garden.

Knit Away

Knit Away

We often come across great household antiques. You never know what you may find at our next show!



Come and check-out our lot of unique riding accessories. We might even let you play horseshoes.

Whistle While You Work

Whistle While You Work

If these tools could talk! We love imagining what the people's lives were like that used these tools at home or on the farm.

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Measure Twice, Cut Once

If only we followed this rule every time. Another look at some of our old tools.

Bottles Up!

Bottles Up!

We stock a lot of glassware. From typical glass bottles to milkware, we think you'll find something just perfect for that special place in your home.

Miniature Horse

Miniature Horse

Have an old doll that needs a horse to travel on? We have several different varieties!

Wash Away The Dirt

Wash Away The Dirt

Who needs a front-load washer when you have the original washing machine! We might even have some old soap you can buy.

School's In Session

School's In Session

This piece didn't last long, but what a great addition to a kids playroom or decorative perch. Don't worry, we will find some more!

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me

We have an assortment of block letters that would go great on your shelf at home.

Tweet, Tweet!

Tweet, Tweet!

We love birds so it only makes sense to build and sell bird houses. Buy the whole lot and setup your own hotel!

Plow The Fields

Plow The Fields

Aren't there days when you wish you were out at the farm, away from the city noise? Check-out our assortments of tractors and let the memories take you back to the good ole days!

Knock, Knock

Knock, Knock

What am I? Doug thinks it's a Outhouse Door Knocker. Vicki says it's an old hamburger press. Really, who makes hamburgers in the Outhouse?

Contact Us




Daily 10am - 5pm

Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. John 3:3
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For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith.

1 John 5:4 NASB

Located at Booth 82
Angela's Attic
1020 Gardner St.
South Beloit, IL
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